Shifting of Achievement
Posted by Kalen on Saturday, February 19, 2011. Filed under: celebrating motherhood, Friends amp; Family, General, gushing, Out amp; AboutIt is the end of a very long day. The longest (and loudest) day Everly has had in her life. We went to the Kentucky Wrestling State Tournament and spent the entire morning and afternoon among a crowd of thousands of people, announcements and music, cheers and whistles. Everly was passed from person to person and stayed calm and observant, sticking her tongue out and blowing raspberries at them. People cooed at her and held her hands, and dangled her toys in front of her.
She was exhausted and somehow fell asleep at a couple different points, surprising everyone (especially Billy and I) because she does not go down for naps easily.
Used to I got my thrills by dressing in some rebellious way, being loud and and controlling the room, or strutting around with a new hair style. And OK... don't get me wrong... I like attention and those things can still be fun, but nothing thrills me more than seeing my daughter so loved and so happy.
I am so glad that I am starting this website to celebrate motherhood. It transforms who you are as a woman. It shifts focus. It fulfills. And as a huge bonus - you get pooped on regularly.
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