Are You Obsessed with Your Child
Posted by Kalen on Friday, July 15, 2011. Filed under: first time mom, Marriage, Mental Health, ParentingIs Your Child Your Idol?
So I was reading iMom and came across an interesting little article called 13 Danger Signs Your Child is Your Idol. I expected some humorous quips about the fact that you no longer have any pictures of yourself with friends anywhere - they've all been replaced of pictures of your kids, or the fact that you have toddler music on your iPhone, etc. etc.
The article was intended to be serious upon reading, but I found myself raising an eyebrow to a lot of the list's criteria. Out of the 13 "danger signs", here are the ones that confused me slightly & made me feel horrible for the wives of the fathers that shared this information (p.s. no mothers were apparently asked their opinion):
You're sleep deprived and not as interested in sex.
Okay, wait. This means my child is my idol? Can't it just mean that hormones have wreaked havoc on my body? Could it mean that it's hard getting up in the middle of the night with a teething or fussy baby? Could it mean that I don't feel as physically attractive as I used to because I weigh 30lbs heavier and have stretchmarks in strange places?You don't really make an effort with your appearance anymore. You're too tired.
Exactly. I'm not making an effort on my appearance because I am too tired. It has nothing to do with my child being my idol. It has to do with the physical, emotional, and mental demands that comes with parenting. It takes some women longer than others to adjust to these demands, though eventually most start caring about their appearance again when they're ready.You mainly treat your husband as the dad, not as the husband.
How do you treat someone like a dad? How do you treat them like a husband? How does that at all relate to your child being your idol? Couldn't it just be because roles are generally confusing for a while after having children?Home-cooked meals have gone by the wayside.
This one made me laugh out loud. I imagined a woman in an apron, baby on her hip, slaving over a steaming pot of boiling water. You know you're really obsessed with your child when you no longer cook 3 meals per day. I also love that this responsibility is automatically linked with the mother/wife as well, by the way. And I'm assuming the article also implies that this particular mother isn't working?You're sore from breast-feeding and feel parts of your body are "off limits" to your husband.
Listen... I didn't breastfeed so I can't really speak to this one on a personal level. But I'm going to take a wild guess based on stories I've heard that the demands/requirements of breastfeeding are extremely draining and the last thing you need to be worried about is if your husband wants "access" to parts of your body.Breastfeeding is an important and temporary relationship with your child... feeding the baby comes before your husband's "access" and you should not feel like your child is your idol because you're not letting your husband paw you when you're sore and frustrated.
Though I understand the importance & Biblical relevance of putting your spouse first and marriage being a higher priority than the children, the reality is that when babies are little, it is almost impossible for a woman to balance all of these expectations. We are starting to become insane about the different roles we expect a woman to fulfill perfectly - giving her lists on how she can improve who she is, throwing Biblical principles in her face to increase the pressure (the article didn't do this, but this is a common theme in many of the Christian family websites I read).
The question I have is that if the mother was really husband-centered, would she be accused of being a bad mom or neglectful because she's not baby-wearing, on-demand breastfeeding, cooking all of the baby's food, taking the baby to story time twice a week, homeschooling, sewing the baby's clothes, reading all the parenting magazines and always updating the baby's nursery?
When do we stop making mothers feel guilty and give them time to come into their own and find a healthy balance between being a mother and wife/partner? Are "danger sign" lists really necessary? What about gentle encouragement and reinforcement? What about a little respect for all of the changes the woman is going through and some understanding that she might not be perfect?
I am going to make my danger signs list entitled, "13 Danger Signs You're Making Things Worse" and hand it out to these guys that came up with this list.
Now I gotta run... I have meals to prepare and makeup to apply before someone catches me. Oh wait, I forgot... my husband rocks and eats frozen pizza and thinks I'm cute the way I am. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
July 15, 2011 at 1:01 PM
While I definitely agree with your comments on some of their so-called "signs", I think I might understand what they're getting at. It's sort of an ill-written umbrella that you're no longer interested in anything except your child, which is why you wouldn't cook meals (Kraft Dinners!), bother with makeup and the like, because you think/know your baby doesn't care. I don't think I'm even saying this the best way...I don't necessarily agree with what they've written, all I'm trying to get at is that if they mean what I perceive they mean, then I suppose I understand what they're getting at.
As for breastfeeding...I must have been extremely fortunate because I was so prepared to have a rotten and sore and stressful time, but it ended up being none of those things. That being said, my husband wasn't so interested in playing with my "fun bags" because I had very active let down and if he did too much to me he'd receive a white shower, so he was quite gun shy ;) When you have a baby, breasts are for feeding, they are not for playing.
I absolutely want you to make the list! Please do, it would be such a delicious tidbit of satire ;)
July 15, 2011 at 1:15 PM
lol...these types of things always make me laugh. while i agree with what you are saying kalen, i also agree with what has been written's all about BALANCE. and that doesn't just pertain to marriage. we have to find balance in every area of our lives. for example....we can take in preaching and take in preaching and take in preaching but if we only keep taking it in and taking it in and don't practice it in our lives or share it with others ever, what good is it??
i think the reference to treating your husband like "the dad" was probably a sexual one...or a discipline when he comes home and you unload on him what the children have done wrong all day and expect him to deal with it and all that...
i could be wrong, its been known to happen....
July 15, 2011 at 5:02 PM
oh sweet man, i'm 100% with you on this one. i also lol'd at your use of "access"...
if this so-called helpful list was saying you...always sleep in your kid's room and never get into bed with your hubs like ever? or...never ever grocery shop for food other than baby food? or something? but please.
my babe is 17 months old and i'm only now getting interested in looking pretty again. does this mean i was an ugly hobo before? no. i lost the weight and took my showers and wore a bra (usually)...i just wore a lot of yoga pants and tees. now i might wear a dress or a belt or some mascara. because i want to and i have a little more time and brain power.
it takes time. this is the mothering chapter of our lives. it isn't forever. it's okay for things to shift balance during it. the next chapter will come. and with it, my 5'' stilettos and 7 course dinners every night.
July 15, 2011 at 5:12 PM
I think the list should be called, "Normal Things that Happen After You Have a Child and Everything Will Be Okay" instead of freaking women out that they're doing a bunch of stuff wrong and idolizing their child(?) because their priorities and roles have shifted temporarily.
That's how I see it, "It isn't forever." I really feel like most women come to a place where they find their balance on their own, without lists and guilt-ridden accusations thrown in their face hopefully.
Can I come over for a 7 course dinner please? We had turkey & stuffing from a box tonight. :(