The Down Times

Posted by Kalen on Thursday, March 17, 2011. Filed under: , , ,

Part of being a mama is that down time is going to be inevitable. What does down time mean in this case? It means that we aren't always going to be joyfully stacking blocks, wiping noses, singing lullabies, and frolicking about in our best clothing while spinning our baby (GENTLY) above our heads. With The Sound of Music's soundtrack playing in the background.

"The hills are aliveeeeee with the smell of diapppperrrrssss..."

Down time means that our own noses might need wiping. We are going to look like we just voluntarily jumped into a washing machine and laid there while it did an aggressive spin cycle. We are going to be tired, uninspired, and grouchy.

The good thing about this down time is that it is never able to last very long, because being a mom means being a soldier through the storm, and carrying forward for your little one even when you feel like being left behind (and napping for 4 hours at a time).

So. Things have been quiet around here, though not necessarily quiet at home. But I can handle them as long as I keep my eye on the prize.

The prize that I get to win, over and over again, every day.

2 Responses to The Down Times

  1. bluejeanamy

    Hang in there, ladypants. xx

  2. tiffanie

    Thinking of you all and hoping things settle down for you!! (and OMG i want to just kiss those cheeks.)

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