Pregnancy Cravings
Posted by Kalen on Wednesday, March 9, 2011. Filed under: Food amp; Drink, Pregnancy, pregnancy cravings
I was reading about Natalie Portman's pregnancy cravings and it got me thinking about the pregnancy cravings I had when I was freshly pregnant with Everly. I went back through an old pregnancy journal that I kept to remind myself. Most of these were early on.
-Red grapes
-Salt & Vinegar chips
-Caesar salads
-Baby spinach w/ Italian dressing
-Red meat
-Lemon water
Now let me tell you about my "guilty" cravings.
Listen. The Cadbury eggs I indulged in because basically my body was drawn to them like magnets, and I knew they were going to go out of season, so my husband went out and bought like 900 of them and that was the end of that. I didn't just enjoy them when I ate them, I inhaled them, my mouth covered in melted chocolate and my teeth aching from sweetness.
The margaritas though? Obviously I couldn't indulge in those, because I didn't want my baby coming out in a Hawaiian shirt strumming Jimmy Buffet on a guitar, ok? So I suffered in silence, drooling as my friends discussed their "OMG MARGARITAZ NITE 2010 U GUYZ!" Oh, how I suffered.
Taco Bell, in some sort of miracle of miracles, released a FAKE MARGARITA (to go along with their fake beef, apparently). And it was all over my friends. I got the smooth flavor of a tequila-tainted cocktail, without any of the tequila.
I would lean my head back and crunch the ice annoyingly loud, swirling the flavor around in my mouth. And they were so accessible. Driving home from school? Grab a treat! Going to the baby doctor? How about a drink?
I drank my last "mockarita" the night before Everly was born, during early labor. It was glorioussss! I distinctly remember thinking the brain freeze was slightly more painful than my contractions at the time.
So innocent. So pure.
What were/are your pregnancy cravings?
March 9, 2011 at 2:18 PM
I craved Margaritas as well and spicy food, and veggies.
I would make green beans and beats and sloppy joes at least once a week for dinner. i was the only one in my house that would touch any of that.
I ate apples and peanut butter and drank chocolate milk every morning. now, i rarely ever touch chocolate milk, its been six years since i have had sloppy joes,
and i indulge myself in Margaritas occasionally.
March 9, 2011 at 2:39 PM
The blog looks great! I almost didn't realize it was you:) I craved all spicy with Logan. I kid you not, I had Chipotle almost every few nights.
March 10, 2011 at 1:10 AM
So funny -- I was passing a TB yesterday and thought of you and your margs! I desperately wanted one (both then and now) but it was always a specialty item they didn't carry. For shame!
Anywho mine:
Fruit. Specifically apples. So many apples.
Ice. So much ice.
The smell of Pine Sol and tea tree oil. YUM.
Spinach salad with feta and strawberries.
March 10, 2011 at 1:59 AM
Let's see...
Leah - anything cinnamon, sauerkraut, vinegar (could drink it straight) or extreme spicy
Mae - not really anything
Isaac - falafel sandwiches
Aaron - as long as it wasn't Chinese food it was fair game
March 10, 2011 at 2:07 AM
uuummmm...with eli i craved taco bell, chuck took me once a day for months and months, sometimes more than once (i'm sure that had NOTHING to do with my 60 lb weight gain, lol) and with hannah it varied....for a while it was black olives then it was oranges...i only gained half the weight with her, go figure, lol
March 10, 2011 at 2:38 AM
I haven't really craved anything except cake and cupcakes but then again I loved eating those before I got pregnant. LOL
March 10, 2011 at 2:43 AM
I didn't crave anything until the end of my pregnancy, but when the cravings did start, I wanted orange Gatorade, orange sherbet, and Starburst. Sometimes I'm amazed that my child didn't come out orange!
March 10, 2011 at 3:24 AM
I craved mexican food and would have them bring me the hottest sauces that they had. Anything super spicy...the heartburn killed me, but I loved the spicy food. I still crave spicy food, but since I bf it seems to upset Maecyn's tummy so I have to lay off of it.
Oh and apples and apple juice...and green slushies.
March 10, 2011 at 3:41 AM
I craved really spicy salsa from a local Mexican restaurant. I probably ate at least 3 times a week.
Other than that, Nutella & Ice Cream (together). Gawd, it was amazing and what I blame on my 44 pound weight gain :-|
March 10, 2011 at 9:24 AM
I'm going to pretend I'm looking into a mirror with your pregnancy cravings, Kalen. We like all the same foods so I feel like I might crave the same things, right? ;) I've been having really crazy/random cravings recently just due to the BC I'm on so I can't wait to see what I want to eat when I'm pregnant!