Pregnancy Cravings

Posted by Kalen on Wednesday, March 9, 2011. Filed under: , ,

I was reading about Natalie Portman's pregnancy cravings and it got me thinking about the pregnancy cravings I had when I was freshly pregnant with Everly. I went back through an old pregnancy journal that I kept to remind myself. Most of these were early on.

-Red grapes
-Salt & Vinegar chips
-Caesar salads
-Baby spinach w/ Italian dressing
-Red meat
-Lemon water

Now let me tell you about my "guilty" cravings.

Margaritas & Cadbury Eggs

Listen. The Cadbury eggs I indulged in because basically my body was drawn to them like magnets, and I knew they were going to go out of season, so my husband went out and bought like 900 of them and that was the end of that. I didn't just enjoy them when I ate them, I inhaled them, my mouth covered in melted chocolate and my teeth aching from sweetness.

The margaritas though? Obviously I couldn't indulge in those, because I didn't want my baby coming out in a Hawaiian shirt strumming Jimmy Buffet on a guitar, ok? So I suffered in silence, drooling as my friends discussed their "OMG MARGARITAZ NITE 2010 U GUYZ!" Oh, how I suffered.


Taco Bell, in some sort of miracle of miracles, released a FAKE MARGARITA (to go along with their fake beef, apparently). And it was all over my friends. I got the smooth flavor of a tequila-tainted cocktail, without any of the tequila.

I would lean my head back and crunch the ice annoyingly loud, swirling the flavor around in my mouth. And they were so accessible. Driving home from school? Grab a treat! Going to the baby doctor? How about a drink?

I drank my last "mockarita" the night before Everly was born, during early labor. It was glorioussss! I distinctly remember thinking the brain freeze was slightly more painful than my contractions at the time.

So innocent. So pure.

What were/are your pregnancy cravings?

10 Responses to Pregnancy Cravings

  1. Tiffany

    I craved Margaritas as well and spicy food, and veggies.
    I would make green beans and beats and sloppy joes at least once a week for dinner. i was the only one in my house that would touch any of that.

    I ate apples and peanut butter and drank chocolate milk every morning. now, i rarely ever touch chocolate milk, its been six years since i have had sloppy joes,

    and i indulge myself in Margaritas occasionally.

  2. The Colorful Mom

    The blog looks great! I almost didn't realize it was you:) I craved all spicy with Logan. I kid you not, I had Chipotle almost every few nights.

  3. bluejeanamy

    So funny -- I was passing a TB yesterday and thought of you and your margs! I desperately wanted one (both then and now) but it was always a specialty item they didn't carry. For shame!

    Anywho mine:

    Fruit. Specifically apples. So many apples.
    Ice. So much ice.
    The smell of Pine Sol and tea tree oil. YUM.
    Spinach salad with feta and strawberries.

  4. Sarah Nash

    Let's see...
    Leah - anything cinnamon, sauerkraut, vinegar (could drink it straight) or extreme spicy
    Mae - not really anything
    Isaac - falafel sandwiches
    Aaron - as long as it wasn't Chinese food it was fair game

  5. jsprik

    uuummmm...with eli i craved taco bell, chuck took me once a day for months and months, sometimes more than once (i'm sure that had NOTHING to do with my 60 lb weight gain, lol) and with hannah it varied....for a while it was black olives then it was oranges...i only gained half the weight with her, go figure, lol

  6. Heather Lopez

    I haven't really craved anything except cake and cupcakes but then again I loved eating those before I got pregnant. LOL

  7. Ashley

    I didn't crave anything until the end of my pregnancy, but when the cravings did start, I wanted orange Gatorade, orange sherbet, and Starburst. Sometimes I'm amazed that my child didn't come out orange!

  8. Monica

    I craved mexican food and would have them bring me the hottest sauces that they had. Anything super spicy...the heartburn killed me, but I loved the spicy food. I still crave spicy food, but since I bf it seems to upset Maecyn's tummy so I have to lay off of it.

    Oh and apples and apple juice...and green slushies.

  9. ohkendra

    I craved really spicy salsa from a local Mexican restaurant. I probably ate at least 3 times a week.

    Other than that, Nutella & Ice Cream (together). Gawd, it was amazing and what I blame on my 44 pound weight gain :-|

  10. Stephanie

    I'm going to pretend I'm looking into a mirror with your pregnancy cravings, Kalen. We like all the same foods so I feel like I might crave the same things, right? ;) I've been having really crazy/random cravings recently just due to the BC I'm on so I can't wait to see what I want to eat when I'm pregnant!

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