Wearing Makeup is for the Birds

Posted by Kalen on Monday, March 21, 2011. Filed under: , ,

Before having Everly, I remember reading blogs and hearing women comment on how they never fix their hair or wear mascara any more because what's the point? They're tired. They're covered in bodily fluids that aren't their own. And they still have that stubborn 15 pounds hanging onto their belly that they need to lose (or is that just me?) I can remember literally rolling my eyes (as I did many times back then at Mom Blogs) and saying to myself:

"That will NEVER be me."

There were a lot of things I swore I'd never do. I swore I'd never have a Mom Blog once years ago. I swore I'd never have parenting magazines laying around everywhere. I swore I'd never let my living room look like a daycare after I had a baby, because after all - do they really need that much space and that many toys?

(My living room right now. Yes really.)

Point of advice for moms-to-be (among your other 900 million points of advice you're going to receive):

Don't say that you're never going to do something. Otherwise you're going to look and feel like an ass, the same way I did.

But yes. Now I find myself in the same position as all those women, where I barely brush or condition my hair, feel accomplished when I put some concealer on, and go public places with stains on my shirt regularly. The other day I went to Target in my husband's sweat pants, a t-shirt from Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and my hair in a half-ponytail. I looked like Everly's teenage babysitter, distraught and sweaty and ridiculous.

So I'm done. Starting this week, I am going to make some sort of effort to make myself beautiful again, though I think I'll need to start slowly. Maybe I should paint my toenails? Or maybe I'll make studded earrings a must. Or maybe I'll wear a shirt that doesn't have a sassy saying or Chuck Norris on the front.

How did you get your sass back after having a baby? Or have you?

4 Responses to Wearing Makeup is for the Birds

  1. brainshambles

    Wow can I relate to this one.

    I've gone from a full face of makeup+hair straightening+heels+nice clothes to...the same pair of sweats and frizzy hair for weeks and weeks.

    I like your idea of at least wearing stud earrings and slapping on some nail polish. I notice how AWESOME I feel on days when I'm now "forced" to put on bare minimum makeup. Even some tinted moisturizer and a swipe of mascara can be a huge mood elevator. But, that only happens about twice monthly now.

  2. Stephanie

    I think you need a girls night every so often. That weekend swapping thing that was discussed a while back. Just a night where you get to "dress up" (a stainless t-shirt perhaps?), put make up on, and feel pretty! I vote that I be involved with girl night. *A* glass, maybe two, of wine could be involved as well. ;)

  3. bluejeanamy

    Doing things I used to do before she was my buttbutt.

    Liiiike...out-to-movies with palz. Lunch dates. A manicure. Go to a play. That really helps me feel like myself, remember who I was before I was mummma. Leave the bebe with bebedaddy and run away!

    And then, just getting a few clothes items that fit really well and make me feel pretty. Keeping my hair clean (easier said than done, but really helps!) and cute(ish)/braided, whatev. Put on some mascara.

    I like your earrings idea! I've been on the hunt for cute little studs that don't infectify me. A cute pair of shoes can do wonders. Maybe a pair of TOMs? So cute and comfy and feel stylishy, but are cheapy (and do good!)

    Ok I'm just blabbingggggg now. xx

  4. Jess

    My staple "cute" look - ballet flats, jeans, a plain colored tee and IF I have time and energy a necklace, bracelets or some pop of accessories. Hair: messy ponytail and a bright scarf tied like a headband. Quick easy but not ordinary. Y fashion mantra: be presentable enough that if your baby sees a pic a few year down the road, they won't blush with shame.

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