A Lengthy Update
Posted by Kalen on Friday, July 8, 2011. Filed under: Personal, Pregnancy, Website NewsEver since I moved Momfish to blogspot.com's free hosting service and stopped posting as much, readership has declined rapidly. I definitely expected it and there were (are) days where I wanted to pop a "CLOSED!" sign up in the window of this bad boy and walk away from it. I'm not someone who has issues with walking away if I'm uncomfortable, unhappy, or unsure of something... or even if I'm just bored. Some people think it's a flaw (most) and some people think it's an admirable quality (like 4), but I think it's just the truth.
Pigtails are exciting, guyz!
When I started Momfish, I did my predictable "thing" and over-committed myself, instead of starting at a slow and steady pace. When I over-commit myself, I almost always back out, especially if something big happens in my life... like an unexpected pregnancy.
So this post isn't to make any promises like I had been doing. When I make a promise, I almost always break it. If I tell myself, "Don't eat that chocolate cookie!" I'll eat 12 of them an hour later just to prove that I can. I guess I have an issue feeling like I'm expected to do something, a strange reluctance to accept that my mind & body should ever have to be governed by other people's rules or expectations.
Self-reflection is a positive thing, people!
Being choked out by my stroller is exciting too, guyz!
But anyway.
We are moving into our new house on July 18th. It has a fenced back yard, four bedrooms that will accommodate babies and guests, a kitchen that is wide open to the living room and highly favorable for crawling munchkins, a whirlpool tub in the master bathroom, and a covered front porch so I can sit outside and sip ice water in my rocking chair and comment about the neighbors like the old soul I sometimes am.
The process of buying the house has been hectic and stressful, though not overwhelmingly so (surprisingly). A big part of that is my husband aka Superman... he somehow balances his full-time job with helping me with Everly, signing loan documents on lunch breaks, printing/scanning/faxing forms when he finds the time, and telling me my cheeks are perfect for kissing. Another part is that after you've had a baby (and I'll see if anyone agrees)... you kind of feel like you can handle anything, really.
New house, FTW!
Along with moving into our new house, we're going to rent our old one. This has been the most stressful part because that means cleaning, fixing up, advertising, waiting, and hoping. I don't like this part, but we're sure we'll have renters by August, which is what we need. God had a part in this all along and I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt that if we put in the work, he'll help provide the fruit of our labor... or he may point and laugh at us while he snacks on popcorn... I mean, he's God, he can do whatever he wants. :)
In a couple of hours I'll be 23 weeks pregnant. Though I've been much less anxious about this pregnancy, I will admit that I am eagerly awaiting the 24 week (viability mark). And then I'll await the 28 week mark, the 32 week mark, and lastly - the 36 week mark. The pregnancy has been somewhat uneventful. Our baby boy rolls around in my belly (yes, a boy! it's a boy!) and last night Billy asked him if he'd like his name to be Billy and he kicked right on my belly button so we're assuming that was either an excited, "YES!" or an angry, "OMG WHAT?! NO!" We will continue to ask him about his name preference and take his opinion into serious consideration.
23 Weeks Pregnant in my bathroom
The location is appropriate, trust me
As for symptoms? Well, I'm tired. Having a one year old (yes! she turned 1!) and being pregnant does not an energetic person make. I get Braxton Hicks a lot more often, which I'm guessing is my body screaming, "PLEASE stop getting pregnant, woman!" so I try to drink water and take it easy and I have to wear a maternity support belt. Yes, really. My skin is broken out, as it did with Everly. I am just now starting the frequent night waking and frequent bathroom trips, and I'm eagerly awaiting the swollen foot phase.
The strangest part is that I'm over-joyed that we are having our babies close together. I can't imagine it any other way now that we're doing this, it is just going to be ideal for us. Hard... hard, hard, hard. But ideal.
Lastly - I've been looking for part-time jobs. I am so ready to get back into the "adult" world and interact with my clients again. However, it doesn't seem like I'm an ideal job candidate because my belly is huge and round and I scream liability so it looks like that might be on the back burner until our little boy is at least 2 or 3 months old. We'll see.
Tell me what you've been doing, Momfishies. AND tell me if you think it's tacky to have a baby shower for your 2nd baby if it's the opposite sex.
July 8, 2011 at 7:44 PM
That first picture is sooo cute, with those pigtails!
You're making me want a house. I'm so in love with my apartment but now I am getting jealous and wish I had a house with a yard and a fence. Good luck with your move and renting your old place out.
July 10, 2011 at 3:58 PM
Aw, I didn't realize you were posting again! Sorry to have missed some entries. The preggo belly is too cute. Eagerly awaiting more updates!
July 10, 2011 at 4:39 PM
Stacey- I love the pigtails, too! :D And yes, there are definite perks to owning vs. renting, but I'll admit there's a lot less risk involved in renting! I'm always a little nervous in the back of my head about something going wrong and not having the money to fix it.
It's okay, Em. <3 I seem to do these things in spurts and it has been a busy summer. I have been reading everyone's blogs as per usual but where I read them on Google Reader now, I rarely ever comment. Should probably get on that.