Taking Breaks from Being a Mom

Posted by Kalen on Wednesday, August 24, 2011. Filed under: ,

Moms need breaks.

For many a "break" means an alcoholic beverage. But when you've been pregnant for half of your life, you have no idea what that even tastes like any more. So instead you host a slumber party at your house with babyless friends who stay the night to indulge you, make mocktails (1 part orange juice, 2 parts cranberry juice, 3 parts gingerale), and line the rim of a wine glass (because you don't have martini glasses) with sprinkles to be cutesy.

It felt like I was in college again. Only in college I didn't look like a bloated wreck of a mess (at least not all the time). We stayed up until 2am talking, watching movies, and eating chips, Bagel Bites, and white macadamia nut cookies. I woke up around 4:30am with vicious heartburn but it was worth it. I was with two of my best girl friends and we never skip a beat when we get back together. It's as if we're the same girls that used to dance on stage every Saturday at our favorite club.

The same girls only now we look at Scentsy stuff, talk about upcoming weddings and my upcoming baby (along with the cutie I already have) and bond over stories about our significant others being ridiculous. The conversation has changed a little, but the friendship always seems to pick up right where it left off.

The drink may not have been the real thing, but the company sure was.

Treat yourself to a Girls Night Out some time soon, Mama. Be with friends that you haven't seen in a while and reminisce... but also celebrate where you're at right now. Both places are wonderful.

2 Responses to Taking Breaks from Being a Mom

  1. Tiffanie

    that drink looks so yummy. mmmm.

  2. emmysuh

    Good for you, K! You deserve it. Love meeting up with friends I haven't seen in a while and feeling like everything is just the same only BETTER because you're EXTRA excited to see them!

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