An Update

Posted by Kalen on Saturday, September 17, 2011.

Exciting news... though kind of random and it might be confusing.

Through the years I've changed websites numerous times as I've moved through various stages of life. It works for me. Sometimes I lose readers by doing this, but it's important to me that my online space reflects my offline place in life and I don't like certain associations that are sometimes made with certain blogs I've had.

Because of this, I am opening a domain that I intend on being my final online home for some time. I picked a name that I felt reflected my youth but I could also grow into. And as much as I love "Momfish" and what it stood for, I feel limited in what I can do with it and the audience I can reach. There are more aspects to my personality than "mom", and more things I'd like to blog about -- marriage, photography attempts, outing with friends, politics, and unwavering love of unhealthy foods.

I had planned on turning Momfish into a profitable venture where I targeted a specific readership niche, but I have friends outside of that niche and I miss sharing similarities and differences with them through this great big blogger world. While I'll still have to be very careful about what I share (considering the sensitivity of my profession... well... future profession when I choose to return to work), I also recognize that it's 2011 and people are more accepting than they used to be and expect their therapist to be human and not cold or rehearsed.

So. I hope you'll come along with me, you 5 readers that have managed to keep up with me through the reader. I'll announce the new site very soon.

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